Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

November 02, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 29, 2014

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Office Chemical Warfare

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 25, 2014

I entered briefly only but to wash my hands and suddenly my olfactory senses were brutally assaulted. I wanted to run straight away, but already had soap on my hands. I thought I was going to throw up. I was already aiming at the sink. I held my breath to the best of my ability and made a Krameresque exit. Someone saw my exit. I was . . .

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 22, 2014

The torch was passed
"Did anyone catch that?"
on the floor
utterly ignored
"No, you pick it up."
Everyone too busy
updating their unsocial sites-
to the diseases, the causes
yet everyone pauses
to upload that photograph.
Meanwhile they die, fight, cry.
And with the . . .

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Grocery Shopping

Zombies, Hunter-gatherers, or No Self-awareness?

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 18, 2014

Grocery shopping is perhaps one of my most vexing chores. I can't quite decide if grocery shopping is preparation for the zombie apocalypse or if I'm the only person in the store with any self-awareness. Most people at the grocery store already appear to be zombiefied.

Every time I visit the grocery store I start off with a . . .

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 13, 2014

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Making Acquaintance

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 11, 2014

Since birth we were meant to meet
I've been waiting
I've been waiting since I knew
what happened
to the bodies of children
the bodies of women
the bodies of men
I've been waiting
I've been waiting for the whisper
I've been waiting for the scream
And even in my sleep
You've . . .

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