
Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 02, 2016

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 02, 2016

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Upside Down

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 02, 2016

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 02, 2016

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 02, 2016

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

June 21, 2016

The votes are in.
Bank accounts win,
citizens lose,
in the guise
of the possibility
of protecting the rights
of someone listed wrongly
as a terror suspect.
Yet, they snoop
through our data
and we must
remove our shoes-
precautionary measures.
If they did nothing
in 2012
for . . .

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I See

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

June 15, 2016

I see
through a different set of eyes today.
Wondering if I'll die
along my colleagues
this morning.
I see
through a different set of eyes today.
Wondering if I'll bleed out
next to the the people
at the gym
this evening.

I see through a pair of eyes today;
courtesy of . . .

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