It is About

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

November 23, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

November 17, 2014

My oasis, the beach.
Soothing sounds of clashing waves
hitting the shore.
White seashells
on their bed, the sand.
The backdrop a descending sun.

Orange hues of sun
crown the beach.
Her footstool, the sand.
Rhythmically watered by waves
sporadic shells
make constellations on the shore.

. . .

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

November 09, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

November 02, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 29, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 22, 2014

The torch was passed
"Did anyone catch that?"
on the floor
utterly ignored
"No, you pick it up."
Everyone too busy
updating their unsocial sites-
to the diseases, the causes
yet everyone pauses
to upload that photograph.
Meanwhile they die, fight, cry.
And with the . . .

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 13, 2014

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