Play Me

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 09, 2014

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Doing Time

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 06, 2014

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The Fantasy and Toy Story

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 04, 2014

Greg had been fantasizing about different women a lot more. He would fantasize about a colleague, a woman at the grocery store, a woman in the car behind him in traffic, a woman at the gym. In his head one of these women could not resist his invitation to join him and his wife. The only hitch as if it were the only hitch was his wife . . .

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Fighter Jets

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

October 01, 2014

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Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

September 28, 2014

Living on trust for years
Thinking trust
was the only essential
It was safe, it was sterile
to trust, to know
someone would be
was to give up
on passion
no risk, just safety
Sitting on trust
not breathing, not living,
no excitement
lost in illusion - trust

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Let's get along

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

September 26, 2014

As of the last few months I've been held hostage by a neighbor. She hasn't kidnapped me or anything like that. I just can't move around as freely in my building as I once did. She lives across the hall and frankly she terrifies me.

You wouldn't expect her to be as ornery as she is. She has these big brown eyes and . . .

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Living With Your Ex

You just can't hit rewind

Connie Oz

The cubicle jockey job is only a cover. Writer of poems, observations, and short stories.

September 23, 2014

So you’re with someone for years. You sort of planned to get married, but then you didn't. Then you thought you would be the next Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, but then that didn't happen. Somewhere in the 11 years of togetherness one of us got a case of the seven year itch and the other a case of midlife crisis. It really doesn't . . .

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